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Teen Wolves are so much more fun than vampires

 When we at seenit.co.uk were still young, Michael J. Fox starred a film called Teen Wolf, it was successful enough to spawn a Fox-less but decent sequel and a so-so animated TV series.

26 years later, MTV have revived the Teen Wolf brand for a new live-action series ever so slightly inspired by the original film and cashing in on the supernatural vogue of the day.
While high quality UK shows about supernatural creatures living in the modern, every day world are nothing new (think Ultraviolet and Being Human), the US’s efforts largely seem to consist of the likes of True Blood which left us colder than a member of the undead.
Teen Wolf the TV series takes the central premise of a teenager coming to terms with his hairy palms, the name of the central character (Scott, played by Tyler Posey) and his mate Stiles (Dylan O’Brien) and not much more.
In this version Scott gains his werewolf tendencies after being bitten and must struggle to keep them hidden while coming to terms with his new habit of howling at full moons.
In place of everything its jettisoned, the show has snazzy one liners, a sense of fun, some very credible werewolf transformation effects and a continuing plot line.
The writers have largely avoided all the pitfalls and obvious plot developments though the twist to the teen romance subplot won’t surprise many.
We’ve been watching the show on Sky Living HD which has already screened five of the first run’s 9 episodes.
If you’ve missed the series so far we’d recommend waiting for the channel to reshow them from the start. The good news for those already watching is that the show’s been picked up in the US for a second series.

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On having to be the hero: “Ultimately, he's not happy with the way things have turned out. He tried for two seasons to get his brother to do what he wanted him to do, which was be what he is. Just eat and destroy everything in their path. And he tried that for two seasons, man. And now Stefan's running around with a guy Damon hates, who tried to kill him, and he's left him in this town with this girl that's 150 years younger than him, who he's in love with, that he can't have. A., she doesn't want him, and B., it's his brother's girl. He's just sitting there thinking to himself, 'This sucks.' But he's going to rise to the occasion, I think, and he's going to have fun. This is the guy who will have the same grin on his face if he was ripping your head off or saving a kitten. He feels the same way about both things.”

On the kiss: “In this episode coming up, he makes a mention of it, kind of joking, kind of jabbing at her, but illustrating that he definitely remembers it and it didn't go unnoticed. And I think that she gets things from Damon that she doesn't get from Stefan. They jab at each other, they have this fun banter. He makes her smile, ultimately, even though he killed her brother and basically destroyed her life in many ways. But that's where I think he is. He's not happy about the situation, but he loves and has to protect this girl and he knows his brother did all this sh*t to save him, he did. Stefan's now an indentured servant for who knows how long, whether it's a decade or a millenia.”

“Teen Wolf” Comic-Con panel

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Entertainment Weekly interviewed the cast at Comic-Con! Watch the video below!

Cast at Comic-Con: Teen Wolf Panel!

The Teen Wolf panel took place at Comic-Con today! (We’ll be updating this until the panel is over. So keep checking back!)
Below are tweets from the panel:
@MTVGeek – Panel hasn’t even opened up and it’s almost [full]. For all those broken hearts, we’ll keep you covered.
@TVGuideMagazine – Audience seems to dig Debra’s intro of Tyler Hecklin (Hoechlin) as “my favorite shirtless wonder..
@TVGuideMagazine – Tyler Hecklin (Hoechlin) says upcoming episodew 9 is his favorite of season. Posey’s favorite is episode 10. And his fave scene – making out w/ Crystal
@MTVGeek – The cast is all here. http://yfrog.com/kildrvbj
@TVGuideMagazine – Alison has a really scary moment in eps 11 and 12 when people die. Plus not everyone makes it out human. #sdcc #teen wolf
@TVGuideMagazine – #teenwolf cast all agree their fave character is Styles. #sdcc
@ColtonLHaynes Thx to those who came out to see out #TeenWolf panel at comic con! Love y’all
Highlights from the panel thanks to MTV:
Posey says that Stiles makes things easier for everyone–he’s so selfless and says that the character deserves a cake.
Hoechlin says that the big change between this Con and the last is that people know who they are now.
It was revealed that there will be more than just one Alpha in the series. Speaking about werewolf mythology, they’ve attempted to stay true to lycanthropy mythology while introducing new twists, such as the different effects of silver, etc.
You can read more highlights from the panel at MTV – here!

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