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Stylish Emma Watson Waves Goodbye To Hermione Granger For Good

It’s time to wave goodbye to Hermione Granger, because there is a new rule breaker in town!

Emma Watson highlights the diversity of her acting skills by showing everyone that sensible acting isn’t always the only route in life.

Watson’s new film ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’, hits our screens next year, and will show Emma as we’ve never seen her before.

The film follows Charlie (Logan Lerman), a high-school freshman who is taken under the wing by two older seniors – One of which is Watson.

Emma’s co-star Ezra Miller said: “You better gird your loins, When it comes to Emma people just have no idea. People have no idea what they’re in for. It’s great!”

The Perks of Being a Wallflower is based a book by Stephen Chbosky. It involves saucy scenes and drugs use, which Ezra understands will shock many Emma fans.

The star informed E! Online ‘It’s very much about how we manifest abuse.’

Ezra is not the only co-star to commend Emma on her performance. Nina Dobrev who will play Candace was surprised at how talented the actress was.

“The world has only seen her basically in one role – a pretty conservative, sweet, smart character, which is great,” Nina previously said.

“But this one, she pushes the envelope in a different way than anyone’s ever seen her, which is really great. It’s a great role for her.”

The Perks of Being a Wallflower has not yet had an exact release date, but rumors are it will be in the summer of 2012!

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