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Early career Magdalena become entertainers of dance hobby. Lena used to be called, following a dance contest and give him a chance to be a presenter. At that time, the event brought the STARMILD CRUSHBONE.
Bid jobs began to arrive one of them is a model. And that became the public's attention when she posed in FHM magazine. Gara - gara a sexy pose, he was in position 72 in the ranks of the world's sexiest woman in FHM version in 2007. And in 2008, his position is now ranked No. uphill. 3 as the sexiest woman in the world. WOW!
Magdalene is present in many glass screen television and some quiz show. Just as when the Magdalene brought the Lens event, no gossip, SPORT 7, HAPPY SHOW, duet, IDOL HI-5, SPECIAL MUSIC, MUSIC HITS, and other 3D SHOW - other.
In addition to being a presenter, Magdalena also tried acting in the world and is present in 24 HOURS CLINIC, FULL COLOR SILK XL and laughter in the world and the big screen like the medley and SI JAGO MERAH and MENEMBUS BATAS. Bid advertisement is also present to meet his job lists such as POND'S, THE Fuk, SARI AIR ABC, ESIA, FROZZ, terminal end buds'S, McDonald's, RONCAR, ovale and so forth. It was a very rapid career advancement, Magdalena Nice job!
And that makes om coated with the figure of Magdalene is pretty and sexy, do not forget flax and completed his education at the University of Tarumanegara who took the Faculty of Management in 4 years. Here's the full bio-data along with a collection of photos Magdalene:

  •     Full Name: Magdalena
  •     Nickname: Lena
  •     Gender: Female
  •     Religion: Christian
  •     Place, Date of Birth: Jakarta, May 17, 1984
  •     Location: Tarumangera University - Faculty of Management
  •     Weight: 50 kg
  •     Height: 160 cm 
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