All jokes aside, though, it doesn't seem like Cassie and Adam (Thomas Dekker), as "written in the stars" as they may be, will be hooking up any time soon.
"At this point there's so much going on in Cassie's world, I think the last thing she's trying to do is interfere in someone's relationship," Robertson offered. "And she's really taken a liking to Diana; Diana has taken her under her wing and they're friends; they're close; and the last thing she wants to do is hurt her friend...I think there will be a few love triangles that aren't Adam/Cassie/Diana, and there will definitely be some more romance in the air."
So far we saw a little hint at what romance could be outside of Adam for Cassie in the recent high school dance episode, but other moments that look promising include an upcoming evening playing truth or dare with select members of the circle...and some outsiders.
"Chris Zylka, he plays a character named Jake, and he comes into town for a wee bit, and we have a bit of an interaction," Robertson teased.
But aside from all the romance, there are still a lot of mysteries to unfold. These may be teenagers, but they have a unique skill set-- and a unique set of circumstances and problems because of it. Robertson shared that in the next few episodes, Cassie will decide it is time to step it up and take charge in a way, in order to get to the bottom of so many of the secrets from her family and her past.
"She's a Nancy Drew of sorts," Robertson smiled. "She decides she wants to learn a little bit more about magic, and she decides to go on a little field trip. She knows Faye is another one down to learn about magic, so she take her by the wing because, you know, they can only do magic with another person from the circle, so she takes Faye, and they learn a few things out. And then Faye comes back to her house and they end up having a crazy lock-in disaster of circumstances."
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The Secret Circle airs on Thursday nights at 9pm, only on The CW.