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Nina Dobrev Dishes on "Vampire Diaries" Secrets, "Twilight" and a Good Cause!

Life is pretty good for Nina Dobrev. For starters, she's gorgeous. She stars on the hit CW show "The Vampire Diaries" where two hot guys constantly fight for her attention. Last month, she found herself on many Best Dressed lists following the Emmys. Oh, and she has heart of gold.

TooFab recently caught up with Nina to talk season 3 of her show, how she gets herself red carpet ready, and how you can help out with an important cause that's close to her heart.

TooFab: What are you most excited about for season 3 of “The Vampire Diaries?”

Dobrev: There are a few new and very exciting additions to our show. That always spices things up and changes the atmosphere. Also, the feel of the show is different now that Stefan (Paul Wesley) is with Klaus (Joseph Morgan) out of town. The dynamic has changed. The love triangles/squares are shifting as well, so that’s always fun to watch. Elena (Dobrev) and Damon (Ian Somerhalder) are growing closer whilst pushing each other away in fear of giving into their impulses/urges.

TooFab: I understand Ian recently played an x-rated prank on you on set. What happened?

Dobrev: Every crew and cast member on the set of “The Vampire Diaries” takes their job seriously and is professional, but we're also a close family that likes to have a good time by joking around and playing pranks. In an attempt to get the most honest reaction during a scene, Ian played a prank on me. They used that take of my reaction [in the season 3 premiere], so I'll leave it to the viewers to tell me if they thought it seemed genuine. I'll admit I was surprised… He got me, I really didn't see that coming!

TooFab: People are always drawing comparisons between “Twilight” and “The Vampire Diaries.” What do you think about this?

Dobrev: There are very small similarities and comparisons that can be made between the mythology of “Twilight” and “The Vampire Diaries.” Vampires and werewolves exist in many stories that can draw the same comparisons. However, “The Vampire Diaries,” now in its third season, has taken a life of its own and stands alone at this point.

TooFab: Are you a fan of “Twilight,” can you be one being on “The Vampire Diaries?”

Dobrev: I'm appreciative of “Twilight.” Its success has paved the way for the genre and allowed for our show to even exist. I've read the “Twilight” books. The story is compelling and I can see why so many are hooked and in love with the films! I'm also friends with some of the “Twilight” cast, and we vampires are all supportive of each other!

TooFab: October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Can you tell TooFab a little more about the PUMA Project Pink Campaign?

Dobrev: Project Pink is a program that PUMA created in support of the fight against breast cancer. It's all about empowering young women to get involved and inspire change through the power of women's soccer. They've developed a line of really fun, girly Project Pink products and donate 100% of the profits from their sale. Instead of just dictating where the money goes, they set up a website at puma.com/projectpink. People can nominate and vote for a charity involved in breast cancer awareness or research that they feel is deserving of the money that's raised. PUMA also commits to donating another dollar, up to $25,000, every time someone Tweets using the hashtag #projectpink.

TooFab: What made you decide to put your name to this cause?

Dobrev: For me, it’s especially exciting to be a part of Project Pink because it isn’t just your regular breast cancer initiative. With this program, the people who purchase the product are the ones who get to decide where [the money] goes. And PUMA donates the full 100% of their profits, not just partial proceeds or only a small percentage, which is really cool.

I’m lucky because I’ve never had a family member diagnosed with breast cancer, but it’s impossible to ignore this disease that affects women across the world. I am now the minority, I want to there to be more people like me who don't have family members diagnosed with breast cancer. I want to be the majority. Whether you’ve been directly touched by breast cancer or not, it’s about raising awareness first and foremost, and that's something that I'm really committed to.

TooFab: What is your favorite product from the collection?

Dobrev: The t-shirts are really fun and bright and graphic, a great way to show your support. My favorite is the black shirt with pink writing. If Katherine [also played by Dobrev -- Elena's Vampire Doppelganger] were to wear a Project Pink t-shirt, it would be that one. Elena would wear the white version with pink writing. Oh! And those super-bright pink soccer balls are fun to kick around.

TooFab: Are you more of a jeans’n’t-shirt kind of girl or a couture queen?

Dobrev: A little bit of both, depending on what I'm doing! Everything in moderation, right? Day to day, I'm in jeans and a tee, but it’s fun to get dolled up and splurge every once in a while.

TooFab: How did it feel to be at the top of everyone’s Best Dressed lists at the Emmys this year?

Dobrev: It was certainly an unexpected but wonderful surprise! When choosing my dress, I wasn't expecting to be on the best dressed list, I really just wanted to pick the best dress that fit me and my personality. I am thankful to have this great moment where everything really came together perfectly, and to have such an amazing team that helped create the night's look.

TooFab: What is your process for picking dresses for awards shows?

Dobrev: There are two things that are very important to me. The clothes have to be comfortable, and I have to feel good in what I'm wearing. If I feel confident wearing something, I think it translates in photographs. It changes my demeanor and posture. I usually try on a bunch of dresses and sometimes it’s not easy to choose! There are so many beautiful dresses/gowns by unbelievable designers! But the best dress always wins!

TooFab: Do you style yourself?

Dobrev: Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I love fashion, and I'm very opinionated when it comes to making decisions about what to wear. I do have a wonderful and talented team of people that assist me with putting my look together for those moments and events -- my stylist Ilaria Urbinati, Riawna Capri for hair and Vasilios Tanis for makeup. They are the best of the best. I trust and value their opinion so it is easy let them do their thing!
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