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OLD : Kristin Bauer talks "True Blood," Anna Paquin and Kristen Stewart win at the Scream Awards

GLAAD isn't the only organization that loves HBO's True Blood. At Spike TV's fifth annual Scream Awards this week, the most gay-friendly show on TV also collected four trophies, including best TV show and best horror actress for Anna Paquin.

On the red carpet before the awards, Kristin Bauer — the actress who plays best horror actor Alexander Skarsgard's (Eric) vampire henchwoman Pam — took time to catch up with AfterEllen.com about what being a part of out writer-director Alan Ball's uber-gay series means and what qualities she thinks Pam would be looking for in a lesbian lover.
AfterEllen.com: Would you like to see Pam date a woman in Season 4?
Kristin Bauer: In the books she gets a girlfriend and I think that’d be so fun. It was really fun this year to see Pam’s relationship with Eric and to see that she could be vulnerable. I’m very curious to see what she’d be like in a relationship.

AE: Would Pam need to be with a woman who's aggressive or passive?
KB: At first you would think aggressive but I thought it would be pretty interesting if she gets a little nervous and clumsy and had a real crush. Wouldn’t that be adorable? I think it’d be fun.

AE: GLAAD recently named True Blood the most gay-friendly program on TV. What does being part of the show's Big Gay Team Gay mean to you?
KB: Isn’t that great? I love being part of it and I think entertainment and art has a huge opportunity and responsibility to open up horizons and maybe address issues in a way that is less confrontive but opens a door to conversation. People probably didn’t think they could relate to people that are different are finding themselves relating, which I think is really neat. I think vampires are a wonderful metaphor in so many ways. In art, you can do things that you can’t do politically.

True Blood also took home the "Holy S***" Scene of the Year for Bill's (Stephen Moyer) 360-degree head-twisting sex scene with his maker, Lorena (Mariana Klaveno).

Other notable winners included Twilight: Eclipse as best fantasy film and Kristen Stewart for fantasy actress; Scarlett Johansson for sci-fi actress for her role in Iron Man 2; Alice in Wonderland's Anne Hathaway for supporting actress; and Kick-Ass' Chloe Moretz as breakout film performance.

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